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Chess MeaVana dành cho Google Chrome

  • Miễn phí

  • Bằng Tiếng Việt
  • V 1.0.1
  • 4.9

  • Tình trạng bảo mật

Đánh giá Softonic

Chess MeaVana

Chess MeaVana is a Chrome add-on that offers a unique and enjoyable browsing experience for chess enthusiasts. With this add-on, users can enjoy daily chess pictures, quotes, information, news, and integrations with popular chess platforms like chess.com, all conveniently displayed on every new tab.

In addition to its chess-related features, Chess MeaVana also offers a range of other useful tools. Users can take notes, create to-do lists, and add sticky notes to stay organized while browsing. The add-on also includes a selection of games for entertainment, allowing users to take a break and enjoy some casual gaming. Furthermore, Chess MeaVana offers crypto tracking, keeping users updated on the latest cryptocurrency prices and trends.

Overall, Chess MeaVana provides a comprehensive browsing experience for chess enthusiasts, offering a variety of features to enhance productivity and enjoyment. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned chess player, this add-on is a great companion for your daily browsing activities.

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Chess MeaVana dành cho Google Chrome

  • Miễn phí

  • Bằng Tiếng Việt
  • V 1.0.1
  • 4.9

  • Tình trạng bảo mật

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